Friday, October 22, 2010

New Tool: Craftopolis

I just discovered Craftopolis courtesy of the Etsy forums. Looks like you load your shop url and it tracks the treasuries you're in, hearts you receive, traffic and effectiveness of keywords. Hallelujah!

I am officially obsessed with tracking the number of views our items receive. A healthy distraction would be writing product descriptions for 5 new items staring at me with sadness saying "Why did you make me if you don't want to share me?"

Moriah, 1/3 of Wake Up Lady, keeps threatening to share her fabulous memory boards with the world. Hopefully they'll make a debut next week.

Tomorrow is farmers market day in my neck of Brooklyn. We're sad the tomatilloes and okra are no longer. Meanwhile, a plague of squash is upon us. We buy it and don't cook it. We have acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, and 'golden mango squash' (I think the farmer made this name up). We've baked it, stewed it, curried it, souped it, made pretend pasta and butternut squash risotto, but still there is more.

On a bright note, muddy bland pear cider is excellent as a smoothie base. Here's a combo I love:
6 ice cubes, 2 handfuls frozen berries, 1 banana, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 6 drops of lemon juice, about 1-2 cups of pear cider. Tasty and purple! Next time I'll take a picture before inhaling it.

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